Gearworks Winter Update!
The Winter update is here and a few items have been added and a lot has changed as we strive to always improve the Gearworks server! First I want to say a huge thank you to my moderators, Kieranstinkyfeet, RascallyRabbit, ViperSoup, Kuha, SeaUnicorn, BigSwedish and MegaTron_X, for all the support and help running Gearworks! Second, thank you to all members for all your support. We are currently 1 away from reaching 50 members!...

Gearworks Halloween Update is Live
During Halloween we added a few more items to the Gearworks server! Several items have been added that combine to make Trick or Treat Candy, the idea behind this candy is to either give you a Trick or Treat when you eat it and the result is fairly random. The candy and the drops to make it will remain easy to obtain until November 5th, after that date the drop chances for items will become lower while it is still possible to make the candy....

Gearworks Launch Day
Gearworks is launching today at 8:00 PM CEST time! All paid Patreon members will be able to join, see the join page for more information. Bugs have been fixed and regions have been reset, it’s time to let the adventure begin! I will also live stream the launch over on my Twitch channel.
Gearworks Beta World Downloads
The Gearworks beta has now ended. The world files are available to download below: Creative North East North West South East South West You will need the Create: Gearworks modpack to load these worlds. Version 0.3.6 is the most relevant version for the beta worlds.
Season 1 World Downloads
Season 1 community server world downloads are now available. You will need Uberswe’s Community Server Modpack to view these worlds: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/uberswes-community-server Optimized Survival world: Download (5 GB) Creative world: Download (1 GB) The optimized version has pretty much everything, chunks that had no to little activity have been removed. In case anyone needs the complete backup I am also providing it here as well: Full survival world: Download (30 GB)

Gearworks Beta Guide
The Gearworks Beta is available to everyone from Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 7:00 PM CEST to Sunday, September 8, 2024 at 10:00 PM CEST and is meant to test for bugs and server performance issues before the official launch. Anyone who participates in the beta for 30+ minutes and submits the beta feedback form will also have the exclusive ability to equip the Beta Hat as part of the Gearworks SMP, modpack and Gearworks Additions mod....

Gearworks Public Beta Announced
Gearworks Public Beta will open on Saturday, August 24, 2024 7:00 PM CEST and ends Sunday, September 8, 2024 10:00 PM CEST. Everyone can join for free! More info will come as the date gets closer but here is what you can expect Exclusive Gearworks Beta Hat that can only be equipped by players who join the beta for 30+ minutes and fill out the feedback form Survival spawns contain extra loot to get you started quickly Build event where you have a chance to have your builds included in the Gearworks spawn areas and worldgen!...
Uberswe Talks About Gearworks Beta And More On The Gearworks Podcast
Summary The following are summary notes from the Uberswe Discord: https://discord.gg/NQJuhb6stv Gearworks Server Mods What mods are added for the “1st version” of Gearworks? Please Check the Modpack On Curse Forge to see the mods: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-gearworks Why it’s a Lightweight modpack? Uber: “It is 109 (most are performance mods) and it’s less then season 1 by 100 and it makes it able to upgrade to 1.21 of Mods are able to updated”...

Gearworks Public Alpha Has Ended
The public Alpha for the Gearworks SMP lasted from Friday, August 2, 2024 8:00 PM to Sunday, August 4, 2024 10:00 PM CEST. We had a peak player count of 15 during this short time period and learned a lot. There were some bugs and issues but overall the setup seemed pretty stable. The servers never went over 10% CPU usage which is a good sign! Event Live Streams Survival Gameplay Minigames